How to create dimension lines in Autocad

To make dimensions can be tricky, because it might appear problems like the size of the dimensions being different in the presentation. The dimension lines are supposed to appear as the same size in the different scale drawings. This is the process of how to do it the correct way.

1.  First step is to create a new text style for the dimension lines. In our project we used the style simplex with width factor 0.7.

2. After creating a text style, you go to "manage dimension styles" to create a new style for your project. Here you can manage the dim lines so that they can easily be read in your presentation. Create a name for your new text style. First you will create a style for dimension 1:100.

-In the first box "Lines" the box will finally have these values. Turn on extention line 1 and 2.

-In the next box "Symbols and arrows" make sure to choose the "architectural tick" as arrows. The box will finally look like the screenshot under.

-In the box "presentation" choose the text style that you created in the beginning. In our presentation we put text hight to 0.18.

-Last box that you are going to manage is the "Fit". Here you put the over all scale to 1. This means that it will fit for the dimension 1:100.

3. Now that you have created the first dimension style that you will use for the scale 1:100, you can easily create a style for the other scales.

-Start with creating a new dim style and choose Start with "dim_100". I will create the same style for scale 1:20.

-The only thing you have to change is Use over all scale of from 1 to 0.2. This will make the dimension lines fit to the scale 1:20 in your presentation.

4. When you have created all your dimension styles then you will have to create different layers for them. This is in order to hide for example the dimension lines of scale 1:20 in the 1:100 scale box. Create the styles as in the picture below. This is the layers you will put the dimension lines in when drawing them.

5. In the last step you go to your presentation to fix the dimension lines as you want them printed. Make sure none of the layers are in non-print from when you created the layers.

-In our presentation we have a scale of 1:100 and 1:20. First doubble click in to the viewport of scale 1:100. Then manage the layers and freeze the layer of dimension 20. Do the same with dimension lines 1:100 for viewport scale1:20.

6. Now you will be able to create your dimension lines without any problem! Thank you for visiting my blog. 


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